《Table 1.List of the (a) six and (b) five CMIP5 models, whose his-torical simulations were employed

《Table 1.List of the (a) six and (b) five CMIP5 models, whose his-torical simulations were employed   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Subseasonal Reversal of East Asian Surface Temperature Variability in Winter 2014/15》

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Five datasets are used in this study:(1)NCEP atmospheric reanalysis data at a resolution of 2.5?(Kalnay et al.,1996),including sea level pressure(SLP),SAT,850-h Pa zonal and meridional wind(UV850),500-h Pa geopotential height(GPH500),and 200-h Pa zonal wind(U200);(2)ERA-Interim data at a resolution of 2.5?(Simmons et al.,2006),including 300-h Pa zonal wind(U300)and SST;(3)ERSST.v3data at a resolution of 2.0?(Smith et al.,2008);(4)Had ISST1data at a resolution of 1.0?(Rayner et al.,2003);and(5)six and five models from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP5)(Table 1) ,according to the availability of output data from the historical simulations.In this paper,the observed anomalies in 2014/15 are relative to the climatology of 1979/80–2014/15.