《Table 1.Top five warmest years in the ocean since 1958.The ocean heat content values are the anomal

《Table 1.Top five warmest years in the ocean since 1958.The ocean heat content values are the anomal   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《2017 was the Warmest Year on Record for the Global Ocean》

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Owing to its large heat capacity,the ocean accumulates the warming derived from human activities;indeed,more than 90%of Earth’s residual heat related to global warming is absorbed by the ocean.As such,the global ocean heat content record robustly represents the signature of global warming and is impacted less by weather-related noise and climate variability such as El Ni?no and La Ni?na events.The year2016 was cooler than both 2015 and 2017 owing to the huge El Ni?no,which took some of the heat out of the ocean.According to the IAP ocean analysis,the last five years have been the five warmest years in the ocean.Measurements of ocean heating are a more reliable indicator than atmospheric measurements for tracking the vital signs of the health of the planet.Table 1 shows the ranking of the five warmest years.