《Table 3 Classification of system state》

《Table 3 Classification of system state》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Improved ON-OFF Semi-active Control Algorithm and Its Performance Simulation Analysis》

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The sw itching time of semi-active control algorithm depends on the suspension system states of the vehicle,w hich could be obtained through the state-sensors deployed on the suspension system.Normally,three state-sensors should be deployed on the suspension system as show n in Fig.1,w hich are the SM acceleration xs··,UM acceleration xt··,and the relative position betw een the SM and the UM xs-xt.Other system states,such as the absolute speed of the SM xs·that is used in standard ON-OFF control algorithm can be derived through the integration of the SM acceleration xs··.The suspension system states are categorized and classified into three types by the obtaining w ay and complexity,and filled into Table 3.