《Table 5 Effect of inoculation Rhizobium on yield at period of soybean podding》

《Table 5 Effect of inoculation Rhizobium on yield at period of soybean podding》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Effect of Inoculation Rhizobium and Response of Soybean-Rhizobium System to Insoluble Phosphate》

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Different letters indicate a significant difference at 5%level of single-factor variance analysis by students'F-test.

Cultivation experiments of soybean treated with Rhizobium were achieved several times in a field from November,2012 to April,2016.In this paper,the most recent results were shown.Two well-inoculated strains of C46 and CW54 were selected from seven strains.The nodule numbers in the plants treated with C46 and CW54 strains were significantly increased by 150.3%and 157.9%as compared to those of the control at21-day after inoculating,respectively.Such trend was also clearly observed at the time of soybean podding.Although statistical significance was not observed on the nodule weight,plant dry weight and phosphorus content treated with C46 and CW54 strains at 21-day after inoculating,it was significantly observed in the plants treated with C46 and CW54 strains at the period of soybean podding.The nodule weight,plant dry weight,phosphorus content of pod and the whole plants in the plants treated with CW54 strains inceased221.1%,86.4%,100.3%and 92.4%significantly compared to those of the control,such trend was also clearly observed in the plants treated with C46 strains in Table 3.