《Table 1 Performance of each method using 1000 and 6000 training images》

《Table 1 Performance of each method using 1000 and 6000 training images》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Transferring pose and augmenting background for deep human-image parsing and its applications》

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When transferring pose estimation information to the human-image parsing part,the performance improved for both 1000 and 6000 training images.Furthermore,as shown in Table 2,a similar tendency was confirmed for F1 for each class.In particular,with few training images,our data augmentation method outperformed the baseline for multiple classes,including the background(bg)class.Even when many training images were used,the proposed network based on pose estimation significantly outperformed the baseline for all labels except scarf.