《Table 4:Transfer and Property Incomes of Urban and Rural Residents and Ratio(yuan)》

《Table 4:Transfer and Property Incomes of Urban and Rural Residents and Ratio(yuan)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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From 2013 to 2018,the ratio between per capita property incomes of urban and rural residents dropped from 13.09 to 11.78,but was still 4.38 times the ratio between urban and rural household incomes and far above the ratios of the other three incomes(see Table 4).Farmers’per capita property income as a share of their per capita disposable income was 2.07%in 2013 and grew slightly to 3.30%in 2018.As the table reveals,the property income gap is the most significant urban-rural income gap.However,the gap also means potentials to be released in further reforms.As General Secretary Xi Jinping said,“We should turn resources into assets,capital into equity,and farmers into shareholders,and establish new market-based mechanisms for the collective economy.”The question is how to turn this vision into reality.Farmers’resources must be linked with capital in order to be turned into assets.