《Table 1 Values of dND, and aspect ratio of recovery samples》

《Table 1 Values of dND, and aspect ratio of recovery samples》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Intermediate annealing of rolled sample at relatively low temperatures results in recovery and structural coarsening[21]:Spacing along the normal direction(ND)increases from149 nm to 172 nm as the annealing temperature increases(see Table 1).Correspondingly the aspect ratio of the samples turns out to be decreased,to 0.430,0.425 and 0.387,respectively.When structural coarsening fraction(fHAGBs)decreases[22],the greatest reduction of fHAGBs occurs in sample annealed at600°C/60 min,fHAGBs=60.1%.These results indicate that sample#3 shows the most recovery softening.