《Table 4 Kinetic parameters of potentiodynamic polarization tests》

《Table 4 Kinetic parameters of potentiodynamic polarization tests》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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It can be seen from the polarization curves of Fig.6 and kinetic parameters of Table 4 that the electrochemical behaviors of Ti CN films and the substrate are different.Ti CN-coated SS304 present a more positive corrosion potential than the substrate,shifted it by only-0.186 V at the duty ratio of 40%.This illustrates that the anode reaction rate of films is retarded and needs a higher potential for moving the Cl-across the film/substrate with freedom.Meanwhile,the lower icorr and the higher Rp of Ti CN films than those of the substrate imply that the corrosion rate of coated samples is lower.As the duty ratio increases,the corrosion current density of Ti CN films obtains the minimal value of 3.262×10-7A·cm-2 at the duty ratio of 40%,suggesting a homogeneous and stable structure since it doesn’t dissolve,which expresses a better resistance to uniform corrosion.As shown in Fig.6,Ti CN films deposited at different duty ratios exhibit a continuous and slow increase of the corrosion current density with the potential growing,but the current density near 0.74 V(30%)>1.0 V(40%),0.79 V(50%),0.59 V(30%)increases sharply,higher than that of the substrate(0.15 V),which is probably related to the stable pitting process occurring with t h e f i l m/s u b s t r a t e i n t e r f a c e d u e t o t h e c o n t i n u o u s penetration of the electrolyte that reaches the metal substrate through the permeable defects of films.This also illustrates that Ti CN films present a favorable pitting corrosion resistance in comparison with the bare metal substrate.Y.Cheng et al[43]have also found that the Ti CN films is effective to improve the anticorrosive property of metallic substrate.While the current density of the substrate displays a dramatic rise when the potential is 0.122 V,indicating the breakdown of passivity and initiation of pitting corrosion,which is in agreement with above discussed results.