《Table 4 Proportional Distribution of Response Bodies in 2008-2016(%)》

《Table 4 Proportional Distribution of Response Bodies in 2008-2016(%)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Third,the diversity of response systems significantly affects institutional performance.Table 6 compares performance differences between the response systems of the seven types of response bodies(institutions)when other factors are controlled.Put briefly,there are significant disparities between different response systems in terms of response rate,timeliness of response and response quality.Where response rates are concerned,the response mode led by the supervisory departments had the highest response rate,followed in order by the response modes led by the departments for petitions,the Party Committee offices,the business departments,the absorption departments,and lastly the mode led by government offices and the mixed mode.With respect to the timing of responses,the mode led by the supervision departments and the mixed mode have a relatively shorter response time,followed by the response systems led by the absorption departments,government offices and Party Committee offices,with average time taken to respond being 15-20 days longer than the mixed mode.The modes led by the business departments and the departments for petitions took longest to respond,taking on average one to two months longer than the mixed mode.In terms of response quality,the government office-led mode and the business department-led mode were of significantly higher quality than the rest.To sum up,the response modes led by Party Committee offices,the disciplinary inspection/supervision departments and the absorption departments are usually the responsibility of the Party Committee system,which has strong authority,plentiful resources and strong coordination capacity,so they perform better in terms of response rates and the timeliness of responses,items that are considered as the political performance of online political deliberation.However,although the government office-led and business department-led modes have less political authority,they act more professionally in providing effective responses and have sufficient professional skills and policy resources to provide effective solutions for appeals from the public.Their responses are thus of even higher quality in terms of the professional performance of online political deliberation,despite the longer time taken to respond.In relative terms,the petitioning department-led mode takes the longest time to respond due to its lack of resources and poor coordination ability.