《Table 1 Information on main greenhouse gases in international datasets》

《Table 1 Information on main greenhouse gases in international datasets》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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There are 11 datasets in the world for calculating the CO2 emissions(Table 1).The World Bank(WB)and Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center(CDIAC)carbon emission data were updated only to 2014.Thus,with the year 2014 as the cross-section,the top 10countries with the highest energy-related CO2 emissions(from cement production and fossil fuel burning)according to the data published by the aforementioned 11 organizations were comparatively analyzed based on the statistical metric.The emission data for the same country vary between databases.China’s CO2 emissions(from cement production and fossil fuel burning)are the highest in the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research(EDGAR),at 10,805.77 Mt CO2,followed by the CDIAC/WB/U.S.Energy Information Administration(EIA)and Global Carbon Atlas(GCA)databases at 10,290.99 and 9,820.36MtCO2,respectively.China’s CO2 emissions in the GCA database are 90.88%of those in the EDGAR database.Additionally,of the IEA,British Petroleum(BP),and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research(PIK)/World Resources Institute(WRI)databases,China’s CO2emissions are the highest in the IEA database,at 9,236.79 Mt CO2,followed by the BP and PIK/WRI databases at 9,206.5 and 8,920 MtCO2,respectively.China’s CO2 emissions in the PIK/WRI database are 96.57%of those in the IEA database.No energy-related CO2 emission data for China exist in the UNFCCC Annex I(UNFCCC-AI)/WRI and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)databases.