CHAPTER Ⅰ The Collection of Important Documents1

Law of Mother and Infant Health Care of the People's Republic of China1

Regulation on Administration of Medical Institutions6

Program of Eradication of Iodine-deficiency Diseases by year 200013

An Emergency Circular on Intensifying the Drug Administration17

The Main Health Laws and Regulations Promulgated in 199424

CHAPTER Ⅱ Control of Infectious Diseases29

The National Work on Eliminating Poliomyelitis29

The Distribution of Poliomyelitis Virus in 199429

The Appraisal Results of the National Cold-chain System by Use of Cold-chain Monitoring Card30

The National Epidemic Situation of Infections Disease in 199431

The Inspection of Epidemic Situation of Venereal Disease in 199433

The Epidemic Situation of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever34

The Epidemic Situation of the Plague and its Prevention34

The Seminar on the Plague Jointly Held by China, Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia35

Monitoring on Tuberculosis36

The National Disinfection Undertaking37

The Program Supported by Loans from the World Bank for Tuberculosis Control in China Seeing Initial Progress38

Summary of Evaluation on the Cooperative Program between China and Belgium on Leprosy Rehabilitation39

Leprosy Has Been Wiped out in Shandong Province40

The National Epidemic Situation of Malaria in 199441

The Control of Filariasis in Our Country Has Basically Reached the Standard of Eradication42

CHAPTER Ⅲ Control of Endemic Diseases44

The National Teleconference on the Implementation of Two Documents about Eradication of Iodine-deficiency Diseases44

Promulgation of "IDD Monitoring Protocol (trial implementation)"45

Activity of "IDD Control Day"45

The 20th International Fluorine Symposium46

The Control of Schistosomiasis46

International Japonica Schistosoma Molecular Biology Symposium48

CHAPTER Ⅳ Progress in Medical and Health Undertakings50

Progress in Health Work50

The Work of Patriotic Health Campaign53

Undertaking in Pharmaceutical Industry57

Statistical Communiqué on the Development of National Public Health Undertaking60

Overview on the Reform of Public Health65

The Work of Disease Control69

Work of Hygiene and Health Supervision72

The Work of Frontier Quarantine75

The Repot on Hygiene and Health Supervision in 1994 by the Ministry of Health79

CHAPTER Ⅴ Maternity and Child Health Care119

Maternity and Child Health Work119

The Promulgation of "Law of the People"s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care121

The Promulgation of "Basic Standards of Maternal and Child Health Care Hospitals"123

The Department of Mother and Child Health of the Ministry of Health Was Awarded123

The Work on the Comprehensive Maternal and Child Health (Health VI) Loan Program124

The Preparation for the Forum on "Women and Health" of the 4th World Conference on Women126

Initiating 740 Baby-friendly Hospitals126

The World Mothers' Breast-feeding Week127

The Expansion of the Program of Child Acute Respiratory Tract Infection128

The Evaluation of the Program of Child Acute Respiratory Tract Infection — An Investigation in Grassroots Units128

Facility Survey of the Cooperation Program of Mother and Child Health Care129

The Third Round Training of Cooperation Program of Mother and Child Health Care and Family Planning130

Officials of Provincial and District Governments Signed the Agreements on Mother and Child Health Care Program in Transition Period130

The Initiation of Programs of Mother and Child Health Care in Five Counties Covered by the Expanded Program131

CHAPTER Ⅵ Medical Education133

Overview of Medical Education133

Moral Education in Medical Education136

Ministry-affiliated Universities Competing for Membership of Program 211138

Higher Medical Education140

Credit System Being Introduced In Teaching Management Reform of Tongji Medical University142

Xi'an Medical University Exploring Reform On Teaching Method143

Secondary Medical Education144

Investigation of Medical Personnel in Rural Areas of Shaanxi Province145

Assessment of Teaching Management in Secondary Medical (Nursing) Schools of Ministry-afficlated Institutions150

Teaching Plans and Outlines for Secondary Medical Schools Issued by the Ministry Approval of National Key Secondary Vocational Schools153

Adult Medical Education155

Assessment of Independent Adult Medical Colleges and Universities157

TrialImplementation of Secondary On-service Correspondence Education for Countryside Doctors159

Investigation on Curriculum Reform after the Change of Examination Subjects in Secondary Adult Medical Education160

Medical Postgraduate Education and the Academic Degree Conferring System162

CHAPTER Ⅶ Research on Medical Sciences164

Headway Made in Medical Science and Technology164

The Fourth Batch of Ten Items of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Sanitary Technology to be Popularized in Rural Areas and Grassroots Units Selected by the Ministry of Health166

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Set up "Chinese Medical Science Award"167

The Public Health Department Approved the Establshment of Seven Minstry-level Key Labratories167

'94 Jakarta Exhibition of China Scientific and Technical Achievements in Medicine and Pharmacology170

Establishment of Research Center for Development of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences by the Ministry of Health170

The Unified Experimental Animal Quality Certificate System for All Medical and Pharmaceutical Units in China171

CHAPTER Ⅷ Medical Administration172

Medical Administration172

The National Rural Primary Health Care Work in the Phase of Popularization174

The National Administration of Hospital Infection176

The National Test for Nurse Occupation Was Held in Three Provinces on Trial Basis177

The National Assistance to Tibetan Health Care178

Health Insurance in Rural Area Was Incorporated into the China 21st Century Agenda178

The 1994 "Oral Hygienic Year"179

Rescuing Mr. Chang Hsiaotsu180

CHAPTER Ⅸ Pharmaceutical Administration181

Administration and Supervision of Medicines181

The National Sampling Survey of Medicines in 1994182

The Summarization of Approved New Drugs in 1994183

Strengthening the Administration of Imported Natural Medicines and Their Preparations183

The Trial Production of Artificial Musk and Its Clinical Application184

Administration of Natural Caffeine184

Setting Up of the Drug Appraisal Committee of China186

The Approval of Clinical Experimentation of Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B186

The Establishment of Standard Diagnostic Reagents for Hepatitis C and AIDS187

The State Essential Medicines Slated in 1994187

CHAPTER Ⅹ Frontier Health Quarantine196

Sanitary Quarantine of Airports196

Sanitary Quarantine of Harbors196

Biocontrol of Sanitary Supervision of Intermediaries at Airports198

Prevention of Surat Plague from Spreading into Our Country198

CHAPTER Ⅺ Health Supervision200

The Manifesto of "Occupational Health Care for All Workers"200

The Product Safety Evaluation Procedure and Implementation of GMP in Procter and Gamble Ltd.201

The Ministry of Health Approved the Large-scale γ-irradiation Processing Apparatus to Be Put into Operation for the First Time202

The National Selective Inspection of Food Hygiene in 1994202

The Results of the National Nutrition Investigation in 1992203

CAC Asian Coordination Conference was held in China for the First Time204

Health Staudards Reviewed and Accepted by China National Technical Committee of Health Standards (1994)205

National Hygiene Standards in 1994 (179 Items)210

CHPATER Ⅻ Health Economy221

The Ninth Five-Year Plan Of Health Care Cause and the Drawing-up of Tentative Plan for Program of 2010 have been Initiated221

The Mid-term Evaluation of the Eighth Five-Year Plan of Health Care Cause221

The Progress in "Three Projects"222

Headway Made in the Study on the Rural Cooperative Medical Health Care System223

The Symposium on Health Economy Across the Taiwan Strait224

The Activities of the Network of Chinese Health Economy in 1994225

CHAPTER ⅩⅢ The Patriotic Health Campaign226

The National Background Investigation on Toilets and Night-soil Treatment in Rural Areas226

CHAPTER ⅩⅣ International Cooperation and Foreign Aids228

Undertaking in Foreign Affair228

The Principal Achievements in the Foreign Affairs of Health Work229

The Visit to Other Countries Paid by the Leaders of the Ministry of Health232

Visit Paid by Officials of Health Ministry of Foreign Countries in 1994234

The Health Cooperation Agreements Between China and Other countries Signed in 1994235

First Voyage of New DC-10 Eye Plane of International Orbis Organization to Beijing236

The 47th World Health Assembly236

The 45th Session of Meeting of WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific236

The 16th China/WHO Joint Coordination Conference237

The First Sino-France Conference of Medicine and Pharmacology237

The Third International Conference on Traditional Pharmacology238

The FirstWu Jieping Prize for Medical Researches and Paul-Jassen Prize for Pharmacological Researches were Given in Hangzhou238

Dr. Merson Visited China238

The Third Exhibition of Chinese Internationally Advanced Medical Equipment and Technical Exchange Fair239

The General Situation of Health and Nutrition Program of Sixth Period (1996 - 2000)239

Utilization of Government Loan240

Implementation Progress on schisto-control Component of IEDC Project241

Progress on the Rural Health Workers Development Project241

Implementation Progress of Health Project Ⅲ242

Completion of Health Ⅶ Project Identification243

The Launching of Health Project Ⅵ244

CHAPTER ⅩⅤ Health Education and News245

The Undertaking in the Health Education in 1994245

Implementation of the Program of "Action of Health Education for 0.9 BillionFarmers"246

Ten Top News Stories in Medical Science and Pharmacology of 1994 in China247

CHAPTER ⅩⅥ Personnel and Carders249

The Organizational Restructuring of the Ministry of Health249

The The Organizational Restructuring of the State Pharmaceutical Administration251

CHAPTER ⅩⅦ Public Figures in Health and Medical Field254

Ministry of Health (MOH)254

National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee265

The State Pharmaceutical Administration (SPA)267

Chinese Red-Cross Association275

CHAPTER ⅩⅧ Chronolgy of Public Health 1994276

CHAPTER ⅩⅨ Health Statistics294

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