Ⅰ. Explaining Crime19

1. Crime and Its Explanation19

2. A Theory of Criminal Behavior41

Ⅱ. Constitutional Factors69

3. Constitutional Factors in Criminal Behavior69

4. Gender104

5. Age126

6. Intelligence148

7. Personality and Psychopathology173

Ⅲ. Developmental Factors213

8. Families213

9. Broken and Abusive Families245

10. Schools264

Ⅳ. Social Context289

11. Community289

12. Labor Markets312

13. Television and the Mass Media337

14. Alcohol and Heroin355

15. Altering the Social Context374

Ⅴ. History and Culture407

16. Historical Trends in Crime407

17. Crime Across Cultures439

18. Race and Crime459

Ⅵ. Crime, Human Nature, and Society489

19. Punishment and Personal Responsibility489

20. Human Nature and the Political Order508



Ref erences559


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