Introduction to the First Round Table on Law and SemioticsRoberta Kevelson1

Analytical Rhetoric, Semiotic and LawOttmar Ballweg25

The Semiotic Web of the LawRobert W. Benson35

The Shopping Mall: Signs of PowerDenis J. Brion65

The Prescriptions of the New Hobbesian ContractarianWilliam C. Charron109

Animals as Property and the LawPriscilla Cohn131

The Problem of Normative Authority in Legal InterpretationDrucilla Cornell149

Natural Law and Emancipation: Toward a Theonomous DemocracyRobert S. Corrington159

Communication Research and the Practice of Lawyering: Is the Tail Wagging the Dog?Paul Evangelista181

Psychoanalysis in Legal Education: Notes on the Violence of the SignPeter Goodrich193

The Rhetoric of Esotericism: The ‘Challenge’ to DeconstructionIrene E. Harvey215

Legitimizing ‘Repugnancy’ in Law: Peirce and ContradictionRoberta Kevelson239

Constitutionalism: Principle and PolicyJoseph Margolis283

The United States Constitution: A Semiotic InterpretationWilliam Pencak311

The Merely SymbolicRobert Price341


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