
George A.Pinch."The American Society of International Law,1906-1956," 50:293-312 (1956).3

History and Outlook25

Leo Gross,"The Peace of Westphalia,1648-1948," 42:20-41 (1948).25

Hersch Lauterpacht,"Codification and De-velopment of International Law,"49:16-43 (1955).47

C.W.Jenks,"Craftsmanship in International Law," 50:32-60 (1956).75

Myres S.McDougal,"Law and Power," 46:102-114 (1952).104

Herbert W.Briggs,"Towards the Rule of Law," 51:517-529 (1957).117

Oliver J.Lissitzyn,"Western and Soviet Perspectives," 53 Proceedings 21-30(1959).130


Elihu Root,"The Sanction of International Law," 2:451-457 (1908).143

Stanley Hoffmann,"The Study of Interna-tional Law and the Theory of International Relations," 57 Proceedings 26-35 (1963).150

Julius Stone," What Price Effectiveness ?" 50 Proceedings 198-206 (1956).160

Myres S.McDougal and Harold D.Lasswell," The Identification and Appraisal of Diverse Systems of Public Order,"53:1-29 (1959).169


Charles Cheney Hyde,"Concerning the In-terpretation of Treaties," 3:46-61(1909).201

Alfred Verdross,"Jus Dispositivum and Jus Cogens in International Law," 60:5563 (1966).217

Eduardo Jimenez de Arechaga,"Treaty Stipulations in Favor of Third States," 50:338-357 (1956).226

Wolfgang Friedmann,"The Uses of 'General Principles' in the Development of International Law," 57:279-299 (1963).246

Hans Kelsen."The Draft Declaration on Rights and Duties of States,"44:259276 (1950).267


Georg Schwarzenberger,"Title to Territory:Response to a Challenge,"51:308-324(1957).287

Arthur H.Dean,"Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea," 52:607-628 (1958).304

Marjorie M.Whiteman,"Conference on the Law of the Sea:Convention on the Continental Shelf," 52:629-659(1958).326


Manley O.Hudson,"The Factor Case and Double Criminality in Extradition,"28:274-306 (1934).359

William W.Bishop,Jr.,"New United States Policy Limiting Sovereign Immunity," 47:93-106 (1953).392

Philip C.Jessup,"Has the Supreme Court Abdicated One of Its Functions?"40:168-172 (1946).406

Michael Zander," The Act of State Doctrine,"53:826-852 (1959).411

Ernest L.Kerley," Some Aspects of the Vienna Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities," 56:88-129 (1962).438

State Responsibility483

Luis Drago," State Loans in their Relation to International Policy," 1:692-726(1907).483

Hans W.Spiegel," Origin and Development of Denial of Justice," 32:63-81 (1938).518

S.N.Guha-Roy," Is the Law of Responsibility of States for Injuries to Aliens a Part of Universal International Law?"55:863-891 (1961).537

F.A.Mann,"State Contracts and State Responsibility," 54:572-591 (1960).566


Hans Kelsen,"Recognition in International Law-Theoretical Observations," 35:605-617 (1941).589

Quincy Wright,"The Chinese Recognition Problem," 49:320-338 (1955).602

Legal and Illegal Uses of Force623

Quincy Wright,"The Law of the Nuremberg Trial," 41:38-72 (1947).623

Richard R.Baxter,"The Role of Law in Modern War," 47 Proceedings 90-98(1953).658

Lester Nurick," The Distinction between Com-batant and Noncombatant in the Law of War," 39:680-697 (1945).667

Louis B.Sohn," The Authority of the United Nations to Establish and Maintain a Permanent United Nations Force,"52:229-240 (1958).685

Myres S.McDougal and Florentino P.Felici-ano," The Initiation of Coercion:A Multi-temporal Analysis," 52:241259 (1958).697

Myres S.McDougal,"The Soviet-Cuban Quarantine and Self-Defense," 57:597-604 (1963).716

Wolfgang Friedmann,"Intervention,Civil "War and the Role of International Law," 59 Proceedings 67-75 (1965).724

Richard A.Falk," The Shimoda Case:A Legal Appraisal of the Atomic Attacks upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki," 59:759793 (1965).733

XOrganizations and Institutions771

Charles G.Fenwick,"The Inter-American Regional System:Fifty Years of Progress," 50:18-31 (1956).771

Richard B.Bilder,"The Office of the Legal Adviser," 56:633-684 (1962).785

G.G.Fitzmaurice,"Legal Advisers and Foreign Affairs," 59:72-86 (1965).837

Manley O.Hudson," The Twenty-Fourth Year of the World Court," 40:l-52 (1946).852

Herbert W.Briggs,"The United States and the International Court of Justice:A Re-Examination," 53:301-318(1959).904

Charles De Visscher,"Reflections on the Present Prospects of International Adjudication," 50:467-474 (1956).922

Oscar Schachter,"Enforcement of Interna-tional Judicial and Arbitral Decisions," 54:1-24 (1960).930

Leo Gross,"Some Observations on the Inter-national Court of Justice," 56:33-62(1962).954


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