《Manual of Histologic and Special Staining Technics》求取 ⇩

Chapter 1 Preparation of Tissues1

Chapter 2 Processing of Tissues7

Chapter 3 preparation of Sections17

Chapter 4 Routine Staining Procedures29

Chapter 5 Special Technics39

Chapter 6 Stains for Connective Tissue59

Chapter 7 Stains for Cytoplasmic Granules99

Chapter 8 Stains for hematologic Elements111

Chapter 9 Stains for Fats and Lipoids123

Chapter 10 Stains for Carbohydrates and Micoproteins131

Chapter 11 Stains for Pigments and Minerals140

Chapter 12 Stains for Nerve Cells and Fibers155

Chapter 13 Stains for Bacteria,Fungi and Inclusion Bodies175


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