1 The Pros and Cons of Institution Building:Outlines of a Debate1

Building Institutions: Promises, Doubts, and Fears,1

Institutions, Institutionalization, and Institution Building,4

Building Institutions: Can It Be Done?6

Building Institutions: Should It Be Done?9

Two Prison Systems,13

A Note on Institutional Research,15

2 A Theory of Institution Building21

The Challenge of Institution Building,21

Institutionalization and Leadership,22

Building Institutions: Infusing the Organization with Value,25

Maintaining Institutions: The Importance of Institutional Integrity,34

Strategies for Responsible Leadership,37

Principles of Institutional Leadership,43

3 Two Prison Systems: The U.S.Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Dutch Prison System49

Assessing Institutionalization,50

The Bureau Family,52

The Dutch Prison System: Variety, Fiefdoms,and Friction,63

Cohesion in Contrast,77

4 The U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons:Leadership and Integration81

Leadership and Mission: A Tradition of Adaptive Change,82

Leadership and Inculcation,100

Leadership and Autonomy: Protecting the Mission,108

Field Leadership and the Willingness to Comply,114

Institutionalizing Leadership:The Self-Perpetuating Machine,118

5 The Dutch Prison System:Leadership and Fragmentation125

Leadership and Mission: The Failed Quest,126

Leadership and Inculcation,141

Leadership and Autonomy,147

Field Leadership: From Emancipation to Recalcitrance,151

The Dynamics of Fragmentation: Policy Controversy and Field Recalcitrance,156

Leadership and Fragmentation,161

6 Leadership, Institutions, and Public Administration169

Refounding Public Administration,169

The Origins of Penal Policy: Leadership Matters,170

Lessons for Correctional Leadership,177

Institution Building: A Question of Leadership?181

Leadership and Public Administration,189

7 Designing for Performance193

Why Build Institutions?193

Correctional Performance: In Search of a Bottom Line,195

Administrative Performance: Rigidity or Resilience?204

Public Performance: Recalcitrant or Responsible?210

Designing Safeguards for Institution Building,218

The Promise of Institution Building,222



About the Book265

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